Its been quite a long day, I’ve walked about 3km to a goat cheese farm and guess what I saw? Goats! Guess what I ate? Goat’s cheese! I actually loved…
The Deaf Car Parking Attendant
After walking around Salta all morning, I’m now a little late to meet a deaf friend for lunch. I speedily walk past several roads, using my google map, walk…
The Argentinian, not American, couple in Humahuaca.
(Fake photo out of respect but the closest resemblance I could find!) It’s a kind of warm Monday afternoon, I’ve done my hand-washing and hung everything on the line on…
Mr HK deaf, in Potosi
It’s Saturday mid-morning and after spending a couple hours walking everywhere in Potosi without a map, something I often do when travelling, and searching for a decent café that is…
The deaf club in Las Paz (and #Tshirt-gate)
It’s Thursday evening and I’ve just had a nap after trying to watch a Netflix film that was just so boring (can’t even remember its name). We (the Goytia family…
My Bolivian step parents
It was a terrible day, I’d been in the medical centre all day after sleeping very little. Received treatment for five hours for moderate altitude sickness and felt rather emotional…